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Ways To Give

Donate Funds

To you, it is a donation. To someone in need, it can be a life-changing difference. Charitable donations can be made to Catholic Charities in many ways. Each donation of time, funds, or goods helps a person or family in need. We are happy to accept the donation that best fits your circumstances. No gift is too small.

Catholic Charities depends on the support from our communities to successfully provide the needed programs for individuals and families. Your financial donations are greatly appreciated and are critical to assisting the poor and vulnerable in Delaware, Otsego, and Schoharie counties.

Catholic Charities accepts monetary donations, whether to help with one of our programs or for use where the need is greatest. All donations are greatly appreciated. If you wish to designate where you would like your assistance to go, please indicate by noting it on your check.

There are several ways to make a donation to Catholic Charities:

By mail with a check or money order:

Please makes checks payable to Catholic Charities DOS.

By phone with a credit card:

(607) 432-0061 or (518) 234-3581

By mail or email with a credit card using the credit card donation form:

Secure online donation

Invest in Your Community

Donate time, money or goods — no gift is too small.

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