The Crime Victims Program focuses on supporting and assisting all crime victims. If you have been the innocent victim of a crime, you may be entitled to benefits from the New York State Office of Victim Services.
Compensation benefits can include medical benefits not covered by insurance, repair or replacement of personal property, counseling costs, crime scene cleanup, and other expenses not covered by insurance.
The Crime Victims Program services include advocacy, assistance completing the NYS Office of Victim Services application for compensation, emergency assistance to meet basic needs, referrals and education to needed services and programs, accompaniment to court procedures, and support and encouragement.
Crimes that you may have experienced that are covered by the program include DWI / DUI, Assault, Harassment, Menacing, Sexual Assault / Rape, Domestic Violence, Unlawful Imprisonment, Stalking, Kidnapping, and more. Call the program today to discuss your situation and see if you may qualify for program benefits.
We will provide appropriate services for all victims, regardless of race, religion, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, military status, sex, marital status, or disability.
OVS Case Manager
PH: (518) 234-3581
Schoharie County
489 West Main Street
Cobleskill, NY 12043